Tuesday, September 29, 2009


The New Jersey Zombie Walk takes place this Saturday in Asbury Park. Events start at 11AM and the walk starts at 5PM. It's free to participate, and you can get your makeup done professionally in town for just a $10 donation. What a fun way to spend a Saturday!

I have a Cross Country meet at the same time as the walk, but I might just have to skip it to take part in these spooky events. Shh - don't tell Mrs. Feerst. ;)

Touche Bill Maher

So last night, Bill Maher was on Jay Leno and discussed health care, government, etc. I don't watch Bill Maher's show ever, but I thought he was clever after watching this interview. This is only the first half, but my favorite quote is, "A lot of people are fighting health care who need health care. If you voted for a guy who wouldnt give you health care as opposed to one who would, you should have your head examined; except you cant afford to have your head examined because you dont have health care."

Another point made by Maher: "Why are we the only country in the world that profits from people being sick? You know, thats what this really is about. People are sick and thats one sixth of our economy."



PPBHS=True Religion Breeding Ground

Okay, so seriously, I counted 15 people who were wearing TR's today, male AND female. Considering theres only 400 people in our school MAX and there were definitely people absent...thats a ton. Well, okay only 3.75% but STILL.

Above, we have (left to right) Breezy Feerst, Mags Loundy, Nicole Kirsch, and Erica Barlow

Once again, left to right, ME! Maggie McGlinchy, Babz Piantadosi, Casey Mulsh, and Jew Depolo.

Monday, September 28, 2009



for halloween, i'm trying to get 3 other people to be the palsi triplets with me. i say 3 because someone is obviously going to have to be nina now that she and john are going out. if interested, message me on facebook.

father always knows best

soo today, alyssa and i are journeying to the outlets, but caught up in conversation, i missed the exit. driving around eatontown, i was not paying attention to my speed and got pulled over. solid, right? well when the cop came to my window he explained that i was speeding and also that the car was not registered. prolly thinking i was driving a stolen car around, i explained it was my dads car. finally, he came back to the car with a ticket in hand, for my dad, not for me. PHEW

bullet dodged for me and my precious provisional, however dennis the menace is probably facing a nice ticket fine. i hope i dont have to pay for that ish.


PPBHS steeze

So week two of steeze alert...problem is my camera isn't always ready to capture all the steeze, but the outfits we did find were pretty solid.

Alex caught my eye TWICE this week, so she obvi goes first. the first look is awesome preppy and the second is important because typically i do not support legging outfits- i think they have become an epidemic, but alex rocked them just right. get it girl.

co-purpleDRANKK blogger earned points with her sash tied around her waist. the skinnys and black flats work well with the long shirt/necklace combo.

And finally KOLBY- girl seriously, not many people can rock the harem pant, but you pulled it off...in lavender no less! props.

Sunday, September 27, 2009

Saturday, September 26, 2009

ebb tide staff surprise



Wednesday, September 23, 2009

Cross Country Lovin'

Our first home meet for Cross Country took place yesterday with great results! The girls' team beat Mater Dei, while the Beach boys finished ahead of Christian Cavalry.

Unfortunately, not everyone was able to finish the race. Jackie's knee gave out, keeping her from finishing. The coaches decided it was best to call an ambulance to help her out just in case, but luckily, it was just a sprain. Miss Jiggy, herself, is pictured, at right, laughing about the whole situation. Way to stay positive, girl. We hope your leg heals soon!


Toooooooo Good. Too effing good.

the many looks of rick lill ON HIATUS

so two games have gone by, and coach has not been impressing me. well, impressing me with his bad outfit selections anyway. until he goes back to his ridiculous looks, no more rick lill shots. this is an official protest people. shits real.


So i completely forgot about this until the other day- from one of J.T.'s many appearances on SNL, this is the "classic peg" skit. i pee my pants everytime.

Monday, September 21, 2009


....nice kit.

Sunday, September 20, 2009

Culture in PPB???

If you're ever chilling on Arnold Ave., and feel like checking out some art, head into Stella y Luna, and up the stairs inside. There's a surprise art studio up there! Personally, I like to pretend I'm in a museum when I venture up there, since those are few and far between around this little beach town.

The studio mostly features encaustic pieces by the artist Jim Inzero. He's a really nice and talented guy. And his pictures are very cool. They're made out of wax on wood panels. I'm not really an artist in that regard, so I'm still trying to grasp how he does it, but the finished product is awesome. Check it out when you get the chance.


I just got back from the cinema, where I was stunned by how great "Jennifer's Body" was. If you haven't heard of it, it's Diablo Cody's new comedy-thriller, starring Megan Fox and Amanda Seyfried. Fox plays the popular girl who's "really evil - not just high school evil," and Seyfried is her best friend who holds witness to "Jennifer's" cannibalistic shenanigans. Adam Brody plays a minor role as a desperate Indie rocker, too.

It's a sort of a scary "Juno," if you will, and very enjoyable. I highly recommend you go see it... OR ELSE!

Saturday, September 19, 2009



Frosh Field Day

So, i DO have some pictures of this on my iphone and casey has some on her camera (cough cough) but for now, some pirated pictures will have to do. (thanks lauren prima)
"Mr. Callan riding on his big, fat pony"
Bob and Caseface
Cora as a PPBHS lunch lady. Me lookin butch as hell.
...um fred? also, note my bandana/vans coordination.
plus flannel. jealous?

In short, Bob Callan and Cross-Dressing was a big theme. Welcome to Point Pleasant Beach High School.

the many looks of rick lill #4

so on friday we had an away game at Wall- needless to say, we lost, but luckily coach's outfit did NOT. check it.

Thursday, September 17, 2009

the many looks of rick lill FEATURING ms. mags

This is pure gold:
So Coach came in today looking like a normal human, which was extremely disappointing. HOWEVER, later on, I saw Ms. Mags walking into the gym in a completely velvet outfit. Yes...thats right. ALL VELVET. it was classic. What's even better was both her pants and shirt were red velvet, but different shades, and the top had black stripes. A day that at first looked like it wasn't going to deliver, gave me everything i could have dreamed of.

Wednesday, September 16, 2009

Tuesday, September 15, 2009

PPBHS steeze

along with LOLkitz and the many looks of rick lill, case and i are hoping to keep up with a PPBHS steeze part of purpleDRANKK. Today we were only able to document the steeze we encountered at lunch, but hopefully our cameras will catch some more steezy gulls.

totes mcgotes.

The many looks of rick lill #2

Okay ladies and gents heres the deal:
Today we're dealing with a button down shirt with palms trees going across horizontally and some brown shorts. Now, from this picture you probably can't tell, but there are hawaiian flower outlines all over them. And finally, of course, some brown skate sneaks. Lookin goooooooooood.


Saturday Night Lights

Our school's football team won their first game Saturday night with a final score of 35-0 ! Keep up the good work boys and you'll get your share of blog space this season, we promise. And, of course, we have to give a special shout-out to the Gull for keeping us entertained, dancing and mingling, during timeouts - whoever you are. ;)

Monday, September 14, 2009

Post Confusion

Just so everyone knows, this is Casey on the "That's What I'm Saying" username. We were a little confused when we set it up, but I'm going to do my best to fix it so I can have my identity back. In the meantime, though, the posts by Magz are by Maggie, naturally, while the posts by That's What I'm saying are by me, Casey. Enjoy!


Concerning the LOLkitz posted immediately below, what is poking out of her (its) shorts???

LOLkitz #2

This is my last post for the day, promise. I just figured everyone could use another LOLkitz

.....you're welcome.

No Joke

I can't stop talking about this- Basically the deal here is, the UK made this "Texting While Driving" PSA in hopes of putting it on t.v., but its way too graphic to be televised. So, of course, it leaked all over the internet and everyone is buzzing about it. I heard somewhere that they want to use it as a scare tactic in high schools. scared me.

if you have a weak stomach, you might want to get the garbage bag ready. the noises are gross.

the many looks of rick lill

So this is now my 4th year on the volleyball team, and somehow coach rick never ceases to amaze me with his outfit choices. up until very recently, he usually did not wear shoes and often sports the bathing-suit-with-a-button-down-shirt look. He couldn't make this funnier even if he tried. seriously.

Since this year is my last hurrah with the squad, I decided to document each and every one of his "Game Day" looks.

Today we played against Long Branch and won. This was Coach's outfit.

Basically what he has going on here is a grey(gray?) Beach tee, with a bathing suit that is also grey, however none of them are the same shade as the shirt. to finish it off, black and white sneaks.

too good.

Sunday, September 13, 2009


Football season has officially started, and the Eagles are off to a great start. I just bought a Westbrook jersey at Sports Authority today - can't wait to sport it in school tomorrow. Yay football!!!

Friday, September 11, 2009

The little girl i babysit for wouldn't let me ride the swings with her, so I shot it instead.


So, naturally, our first major post would be of the one and only kitty. These are carefully selected photoz of ours truly. We're gonna start you off slowly- she can be too hot to handle all at once. Enjoy. We definitely did.

OM geezy

purpledrankk is here and queer. time to make noise.