Friday, October 30, 2009

Super Presh

Here is a video of Court when she was super wittle being harassed by her dog Comet.

Thursday, October 29, 2009

Scary Movies AHHHH

The New Jersey Film Alliance is hosting a Halloween Spectacular tomorrow night - October 30th. Doors open at 7. There's a costume contest at 7:30 and the movies "Treevenge" and "Make-out with Violence" will be showing at 8. They're both fun, and scary Halloween - appropriate movies that I am personally looking forward to seeing.

It takes place at the Showroom on Cookman Ave. in Asbury Park tomorrow! So be there... Or else!

Wednesday, October 28, 2009


"I do... meow."

Real Text Message from Andi Mulshine

"Hey. I'm at newspaper. Feeling really sick. Don't use the mouthwaash. Stay away from the toothbrush. Bleach everything!"

Monday, October 26, 2009

have i really not posted anything almost famous yet?

its one of my favorite scenes, from one of my favorite movies. also one of my favorite songs?

its got favorite written all over it. which means its got maggie written all over it. which means it has cool written all over it. which means it has, just watch it, written all over it.

Court Len For Days


we <3 you.

Sunday, October 25, 2009


I have to write 2 Bev essays due tomorrow. I better be building up some good karma because of this.


When I wrote the word "procrastination" just now, I had a little thoughtlet. ProcrastiNATION (emphasis on the NATION) would be kind of a cool name for a blog or website or something with fun activities to help you put off doing things. I consider myself an expert procrastinator. So it would be a forum with games, movies, interesting little thoughtlets, etc. (kind of like Purpledrankk) and you could chat with other procrastinators! I think this could be big.
Ellen Degeneres once said, "Procrastinate now. Don't put it off."
Think about it.


Tuesday, October 20, 2009

Pet Profile- PETEY!

I'm not sure why I haven't pet profiled him yet, but Petey (or Pierre, P-unit, Skeeter, Wheaty, Master P, etc) is my five month old cockapoo. He is pretty tiny and is ALL ABOUT SNUGGLING. seriously. If you are sitting on the couch, he will sit right next to you.
He does however get jealous if you don't give him enough attention. He will sit on my phone or paw at my hands while I'm texting if he feels like it.
He looks like an old man because of his beard, and when he shakes his tail, the whole lower half of his body shakes too.

He can usually be found wearing a peace-sign harness and chewing on socks.

Sunday, October 18, 2009

Cory Booker <3333

So, I usually just assume that everyone watches Conan O'Brien, but if you don't, you should.

Anyway, for a few weeks now, Conan and Newark Mayor Cory Booker have been having a pseudo tiff all because of a joke Conan made about Newark. Their exchanges have been hilarious, and on Friday night, Booker was the first guest on the show.

For those who don't know anything about Booker, he is a really interesting, intelligent guy, who all ready has done great things for Newark, which is no small feat.

What's also kickass about this Conan episode is that MAX from Where the Wild Things Are is also a guest!!

Probably couldn't have picked a better lineup...seriously.


Saturday, October 17, 2009


This is my big sis, perched on the kitchen counter.

Friday, October 16, 2009


i'm going to see where the wild things are, i'm so freaking excited.

Thursday, October 15, 2009

I <3 NBC

I'm currently on commercial break from the The Office, so I'll be brief. Last week, Jim and Pam got hitched - best episode in awhile, and this week's ep is pretty good so far as well.

More importantly, 30 Rock is back in 9 minutes! Yessssssss. Please watch it.

Wednesday, October 14, 2009

Best Old Photo Ever


Tuesday, October 13, 2009

i want YOU to eat cupcakes

I like to consider myself a cupcake enthusiast, so here are some shots that will hopefully encourage you to hunt down a cake in the near future...everybody's doing it.

First Global Episode!

Just incase you missed it...

Something is Rotten in the State of Denmark

So I'm rotting in school on Columbus Day, wishing I was at home sleeping, when I received a text from my dad saying we're seeing Jude Law play Hamlet on broadway- uhh COOL AS HELL. Needless to say I'm pretty excited about it. Feel free to be envious.

Monday, October 12, 2009

Application Anxiety

So Day 1 without Facebook has actually gotten off to a pretty good start despite one minor issue. I started the Common App. supplement for BU, and for part of it I had to write 5 or 6 sentences about what interests me about BU, blah blah blah. I spent a good hour on it, finished it, and then was logged off of the Common App website for not being "active!"


The good that came out of this is that my dad came home while I was still rewriting it, and gave me pointers that I would have otherwise missed out on. But word to the wise, if you're doing your applications with the Common App website, write all your ish on word documents first. SRSLY.

Sunday, October 11, 2009

Facebook Boycot

I really spend way too much time on Facebook, and not enough time applying to colleges, which is slightly more important than stalking you people. So I've decided to deactivate my Facebook account until all of my college apps are donezo. I probably won't last 24 hours. We'll see.

In the meantime, here is a silly picture of an alpaca pretending to be a worm.

Global Televizzle

The premiere of Season of Global TV airs Monday morning during homeroom... Finally!! A lot of hard work went into this project from your friends at GTV. So don't be late to school tomorrow, ya crazy kids.

Thursday, October 8, 2009

wanna play gamecube?

this is one of those things that everyone should see. its part of life. just like you should know the pledge, or watch the parade on thanksgiving. its american.

just do it, promise?


Veggie Tales

Sorry about the delay, but the macbook had been taken away from me as punishment...typical.

Anyway, to continue Veggie Tales, let me continue with Tuesday's lunch. Sponsored by PPB's Green Planet, an everything bagel (a too frequent component of my diet), an Odwalla Superfood drink, and a green tea.

For dinner, I was lazy and had few resources in the fridge, so I had a banana/blueberry combo salad with scrambled eggs, and carrots with ranch. I know, none of them go together but what're you gonna do, right?

Yesterday for lunch, I had a couple of Soy Dogs (aka fake hot dogs) on potato bread, with ketchup, obvi. I didn't take a picture of my dinner, but it was an Amy's Organic Vegan Burrito with Salsa, Ranch, and Shredded Cheddar on it.

Finally, today I had lab lunch so I quickly scurried home and whipped together a PB and banana sandwich on none other than potato bread. For dinner, I ate tons of pasta and salad at the Staub residence, however I did not take a picture of the food I ate, because I forgot and also, I ate a lot of food. Like, a lot.

I'm sure you're DYING to know what I eat tomorrow! ...well I'll probably end up telling you anyway.

Tuesday, October 6, 2009

First Ever Purplevid!

I know I posted yesterday that I wouldn't be able to upload videos from my camera until I received the special wire. Well, in the meantime, here's a little flick recorded on the I-Sight camera built into my laptop. Please enjoy this short movie of my dear friend, Olivia, talking in her sleep. I know I did.

Monday, October 5, 2009

Veggie Tales

As a Vegetarian, I constantly get asked, "So what do you eat then?" as if people don't realze there are other things to eat besides meat. Typically I just give the old, "I eat lots of soy, and beans, and grains,etc" but people still seem to look at me with a sense of confusion, so to clear things up, I have decided to document everything that I eat for a week, to give you purpleDRANKKers a sense of what I'm digesting over here. I must say however, I am more of a semi vegetarian- I still eat fish and dairy, so basically the only things I don't eat are beef, meat, pork, and poultry.
Starting yesterday, Sunday, I did not eat breakfast (tisk) but I did have a delcious salad from Whole Foods. I can't even remember everything that was involved but I do remember corn, pumpkin seeds, romaine, and chipotle dressing was involved. Black beans too. And grilled asparagus and red onion topped with cheddar cheese. Okay, maybe I do remember. Along with the salad, I sipped on some half-lemonade half-iced tea. Later on, I devoured 2 cupcakes from Magnolia Bakery, one choco one vanilla. The train ride home included a Naked drink and Cherry Pepsi. Finally, at Strollos, I enjoyed plenty of lemon ice and vanilla ice cream.

Today I once again neglected to include breakfast, however Blanket quickly solved my issues and provided the Journalism class with bagels and cream cheese. Not only were bagels provided, but Rachee brought in brownies! yeeewwwwww.
Lunch was sponsored by Jersey Mikes, and yes, I know what you're thinking. What the hell is at JMikes that doesn't have meat? I opted for the Veggie Sub which includes both swiss and provolone cheese, green peppers, cucumbers, tomatoes, lettuce, onions, oil and vinegar, spices, and my twist, honey mustard. I had some salt and vinegar chips and MUG rootbeer...obv.
Once dinner rolled around, I have an ear of corn, some salad with ranch, tomatoes, avocado, and cucumber, and a fruit and cheese salad containing raspberries, blueberries, strawberries, bananas, and cheddar cheese. YUMMO

As I currently blog, I am sippin on green tea.


It's been a while... my sincere apologies.

Videos on Purple???

Not yet! However, I purchased a firewire-to-usb adapter today from Hopefully, it will solve my dilemma of not being able to load videos off my camcorder onto my computer. And that will definitely open a whole new door for PD. I'm getting goosebumps just thinking about it. 3 to 5 business days, people, and let the games begin!

Pet Profile - Fiona

This is our newest shade of purple - Pet Profiles! I will start with my own cat, but don't think this segment will be limited to just my furry friends; our friends and followers' own Fido's will get some blog space, too.


So, this is Fiona, a 6-year-old orange tabby with an attitude problem. She's the absolute worst. She bothers me all the time to let her out or feed her, and sometimes not for any apparent reason at all. In her spare time, she enjoys laying on my clothes and getting little orange cat hairs all over them. She also doesn't like to snuggle.

However, she is extremely cute. For some reason she never grew past the size of an adolescent cat. Plus, she's orange and therefore precious. We have our moments, but mostly she's the worst. Here's some pics.

Sunday, October 4, 2009

Sunday Funday #1

As promised, the first official NCB Sunday Funday went down today in the Big Apple. All though we did not do ANY of the planned events, we all agreed that the spontaneous wanderings around the West Village were much preferred than a set schedule.

The morning started with an 8a.m. drive to Metropark, and then a 40 minute train ride to Penn Station. We hopped on the subway and hit up Canal Street snagging some watches and a little Bubble Tea. Getting back on the subway we went to SoHo/West Village, hitting up Whole Foods for a little lunch, moseying over to Bleeker St., eating some Magnolia Cupcakes while sitting in a park across the street, and of course, intermittent shopping. All in all, it was a good time had by all. And by all, I mean Me, Casey, Alyssa, Monica, Alex, and Alexis. G.T.C.- good time central.

I <3 AU

So, on Saturday I ventured down to D.C. with Dennis to check out American University. Until yesterday, I was pretty sure Northwestern was my top choice, but that all changed. I love American! D.C. is definitely my favorite city and I just felt really comfortable there. Not to mention their J-School is B.A.

While I was waiting for my train home, I snapped some shots of Union Station, because it is seriously one of the prettiest buildings ever.

P.S. All three picts were taken with my iPhizzy.

Thursday, October 1, 2009

awww ish

Oops. I linked you to the 4th page of Jay's blog in the previous post. Try this...

Enough About Us...

Let's talk about some of our fellow bloggers! - My big sis Molly belongs to the New Jersey Film Alliance, and just started writing for its blog. Check out this blog to learn about the film festivals NJFA hosts frequently in Monmouth County. This is Molly's friend Joe's blog. He always post really good music and funny videos. Do yourself a favor and check it out! My friend Jay posts his art and photography on his blog, titled "Infamous Hott Dogger." Quel artiste! Click the link and don't look back.
This is Maggie's friend Bryan's blog. Consider it the divine inspiration for Purpledrankk.

Happy surfing!

Sunday Funday #1

This weekend's Sunday Funday will hopefully be the first of many for our humble crew. We plan on celebrating the Sabbath with a trip into the city. Festivities include: jamming to Miley Cyrus on the way up, freakin' out, eating breakfast outside of Tiffany's, frolicking through Central Park, freakin' out some more, putzing around the Central Park Zoo, and more. Nutz4Nutz will be served. All are welcome! Expect documentation on the outcome of this trip and more Sunday Funday posts in the future. Ciao.