Monday, October 5, 2009

Pet Profile - Fiona

This is our newest shade of purple - Pet Profiles! I will start with my own cat, but don't think this segment will be limited to just my furry friends; our friends and followers' own Fido's will get some blog space, too.


So, this is Fiona, a 6-year-old orange tabby with an attitude problem. She's the absolute worst. She bothers me all the time to let her out or feed her, and sometimes not for any apparent reason at all. In her spare time, she enjoys laying on my clothes and getting little orange cat hairs all over them. She also doesn't like to snuggle.

However, she is extremely cute. For some reason she never grew past the size of an adolescent cat. Plus, she's orange and therefore precious. We have our moments, but mostly she's the worst. Here's some pics.

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