Wednesday, January 20, 2010

We always knew there was a heart underneath the big shoulderpads

On Sunday the 24th, Lady Gaga is donating ALL the proceeds made from Gaga merchandise bought on her website directly to Haitian Earthquake Relief. However if you can't wait until Sunday to help out with Gaga, you can buy her Haiti Relief T-Shirt pictured below:

Tuesday, January 19, 2010

I'm With Coco

So now that Conan is definitely bailing on NBC (with 40 a milli a milli a milli), I'm sitting here wondering when and how I'm going to get my Conan fix. Fox seems to be making bids, but do I really want Conan and Palin on the same playing field? Yuck. Even so, Fox Conan is better than no Conan at all, but does this mean Palin jokes will now be off limits? (Tears) Not to mention all the material that comes from the complete republican bias that defines the network...only time will tell I suppose.

Until then, here are some shots that made me giggle:

Saturday, January 16, 2010

Award Winning

Let's Give It Up for Awkward Phases!

Thankfully our friend Alexis revisited her photobooth from freshman/sophmore year, and it was FULL of gems. Like...why did we think this was okay? By some grace of God I was barely in any of these, but I recovered the ones worth sharing (and the ones that won't get me killed by my bids) for you guys. Just trying to spread the wealth here people...its only fair.

Now let's all let out a big sigh of relief that its over.

Thursday, January 14, 2010

Sk3wl DaZe3Eee (Casey's Take)

Like Modge I, too, sat through various classes all day Monday to take yearbook pix. Here are a few of my fave shots:

In this one, everyone's favorite genius gets a one-on-one lesson in BC Calc (AKA Rocket Science) by the lovely Mrs. Labue.

Later, I got to witness Foody Doody Phyllis taking out her anger on a frosh dog.

And for the rest of the day, I got to sit in gym classes and take some action shots... But these anti-action shots are better.

The gentle, calming songs of Jack Johnson and Dave Matthews that frequent PPBHS's gym classes (for unknown reasons) did not stop giddy students like Rich Herbster from stealing Beyonce's dance moves to get his Speedball teammates pumped up. Jealous? If you liked it, then you shoulda put a ring on it!

The newest Bay Head Girl, Henry Dollman, takes a break from Speedball Monday for a photo-op.

Faces turned somber once these onlookers realized that AP Gym was not as intense as those who take it have let on.

Monday, January 11, 2010


i think i heard this for the first time in an american apparel (typical) but it is a great acoustic cover of a great song. you're welcome DRANKkers :)

$k3WL d@zZzEe

Thanks to Journalism I got to sit in classes and just snap pictures all day- although I had to sit through U.S. History II twice, I'd say it was worth it. Here's a few of my favorite shots:

Tuesday, January 5, 2010

Bev Banter Back and Bevver than Ever!

OK guys! Forget what the syllabus says, and study these recent Bevisms to really get those wheels turning.

First we have some usage errors as her diction was a bit off with:
and my personal favorite,

Now allow me to translate:
anarchy, and

So there's your recent dosage of BB. Now I leave you with a Bevosophy (Bevosophy? Really, Case?) Yes a Bevosophy: words to live by according to Bev:

"The line between wife and prostitute is a very thin line, guys."

Sunday, January 3, 2010

You Can Thank Joel McHale Later

Luckily for everyone here at the Jersey Shore, MTV has highlighted the embarrassing, excessive, drunken debauchery of benny-Guidos that has made places like Sleeze-side Heights infamous. As we watch America slowly fall in love with Snookie (Shnickas, Queen of the Guidettes, etc.), we should also watch the Douchebag rate climb at an alarming rate. As we all know, when people see certain behaviors on T.V., they decide to emulate it themselves. Monkey see, monkey do.
For those who are not familiar with this exceptional breed of human, Joel McHale has come up with the term "Douche Cape". Hats off to you Joel, I couldn't have said it better myself.
Basically, a guido can be recognized by his offensive Ed Hardy tee and gross gelled hair, chains, juiced up muscles, etc. much like a super-hero can be identified by his use of a cape. See?
Urban Dictionary officially defines "Douche Cape" as:
A bro wearing a Ed Hardy T-shirt, or something similar that looks like tattoos, to cover up their other tattoos. Coined by The Soup host, and stand-up comedian, Joel McHale.
Look at that douche cape at the bar.

Happy Guido Hunting!

Friday, January 1, 2010


So here I am, sitting in the new year, eagerly awaiting what 2010 has in store (graduation and turning 18 to name a couple...) and I stumble across this:

Recent research shows that while 52% of participants in a resolution study were confident of success with their goals, only 12% actually achieved their goals. Men achieved their goal 22% more often when they engaged in goal setting, a system where small measurable goals are used (lose a pound a week, instead of saying "lose weight"), while women succeeded 10% more when they made their goals public and got support from their friends.

12%? Is this a joke? Last year I had made my new year's resolution to stop eating meat, which I have successfully done. (With a couple of exceptions- Pork Roll is the only cure I know of for severe hangovers. It only happened like twice)

So to all you DRANKkers out there, lets make the effort to stick to our resolutions...especially the one to break it off with the altar boy??