Monday, February 22, 2010

"You're Only Getting Laid Cause You're Famous" List

Being that I am a chick, swooning over men with my other female counterparts is not a rare event, however I often find myself disagreeing with my friends' celebrity crushes. What in the world women find attractive about Michael Phelps is beyond me. Yeah, okay, don't get me wrong, I'm not saying he's not an amazing athlete, because he is hands down the god damn coolest, but he is the PERFECT example of a male butterface. I mean, the dude is just not good looking, I'm sorry. And I swear to God, if I hear one more girl squeal about Robert Pattinson, its gonna get really ugly, really fast. If it wasn't for Edward Cullen, that grease-ball would still be walking around being socially awkward, minus the Ray-Bans.

Not to say I'm not guilty. Anyone who knows me well, knows I am obsessed with Pitbull, but even I can recognize that he would not be good looking without his money and fame. If he was any other gross Cuban man on Calle Ocho in Miami that let out a cat call, I wouldn't even think twice. This of course inspired me to ask others who else they think has gained good looks as a side effect of fame. This is what I have so far.

There will to be more to come, I'm sure

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